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3D Content Creation

Maximize the Potential of Your Content with 3D

Unlock the power of 3D content to enhance your self-learning modules and digital publications. Our expert team creates high-quality 3D models and interactive visuals tailored for e-learning and training programs, all integrated seamlessly with the Timeline platform.


Target Group

 EducationalIndustrial and tech companies seeking to implement attractive 3D manuals, visual instructions, and interactive user guides for products or processes.

Pharma, healthcare, and biotech organizations requiring immersive 3D models for publications, training, or interactive digital content.

Consumer product companies aiming to enhance the customer experience with 3D content for instructional manuals and interactive product demonstrations.

Corporate sectors looking to develop 3D content for digital publications, self-learning modules, or interactive presentations to improve internal and external communications.

Let's get in touch!

Transform Your Digital Experiences with 3D Content

Contact us today to explore how 3D content can elevate your training and learning experiences. Fill out the form below, and one of our specialists will reach out to you.

This service includes:

3D Model Creation

Develop custom 3D models for medical training, self-learning modules, and scientific publications using our Sketchfab integration.


Interactive Digital Publications

Create interactive digital publications embedded with 3D models for use in online learning paths and scientific documentation.


Integration with Timeline Platform

Seamlessly embed 3D content into training and learning modules on the Timeline platform, enhancing the user experience with high-quality visuals.


Interactive Hotspots

We add interactive hotspots to your 3D models, creating a more engaging experience with captions and custom controls. These hotspots can include extra information, links, and even audio, making learning immersive and dynamic.
